Our Girl Diamond had a litter of 7 beautiful puppies on Mother's Day May 12. Introducing the Cars litter.  Puppies are scheduled to go home end of June first week of July

THERE ARE PUPPIES AVAILABLE IN THIS LITTER - Please reach out and contact us for more info.

If you are interested in this timing please fill out the application form by clicking "HERE".


Our Girl Diamond had a litter of 6 beautiful puppies on Sept 29. Introducing the GEMS litter.  Puppies are scheduled to go home end of Nov beginning Dec

All Puppies are doing well in their forever homes.

If you are interested in this timing please fill out the application form by clicking "HERE".

Fall 2022 Litter

This litter was born Sept 5, 2023.  All are happy in their forever homes

If you are interested in this timing please fill out the application form by clicking "HERE".

Spring 2022 Litter

This Litter was born on January 25, 2022 and went to their forever homes in March 2022.

Click "HERE" to see details of this litter


Summer 2021 Litter

This litter was born June 15, 2021 and went to their forever homes in August 2021.

Click "HERE" to see details of this litter